Best Sellers

Frequently Ask Questions

Once you place an order, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Then, after order review which normally takes 24 hours or less,you will receive another email with the shipping information. In that hipping confirmation email, you will be provided with a tracking link, but please allow roughly 5 days for the accurate tracking info to be available.

We offer delivery to the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, UAE, Japan, Korea, and Singapore

After 5 days from "receiving the shipping confirmation email", you can start tracking your order through:

- Click on the tracking link provided in the shipping confirmation email.
- Kindly visit our website, click on TRACK ORDER tab, enter your order number & email address OR your tracking number.

If you purchased several items, it could be that the warehouse has shipped the packages separately. This is just a very rare case. So, you may receive more than one package. We highly recommend that you kindly visit our website, click on TRACK ORDER tab, enter your order number & email address OR your tracking number.

We understand how important your order is! If the tracking information states that your order has been delivered, but you have not received it, kindly ask your local post office first and your immediate neighbor, in case the package was received by mistake or on your behalf.

If you are still unable to locate your package, please contact us and our friendly customer support will be happy to assist you.